Homeopathic medicine is risk-free. Back pain is one of the most common ailments prevalent today, factors such as modern life-style, sedentary working conditions, or patterns associated with emotional stress and strains, which bring about spasm of the muscles, and causes backache. This medicine is used when the stool is very dry and hard. Severe dull backache in lumbo-sacral articulation; more or less constant; affecting sacrum and hips. Sir, Back pain or backache can be divided into acute, sub-acute and chronic. Severe pain in upper and lower back, thighs,legs, fingers and painful nails. (DR MURALI ANKIREDDY SIR; DR KAPILA MAM; DR BHAVYA MAM). So am confused. Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - Pulsatilla, Nux Vom and many other medicines. The person needing Colocynthis may get relief from pressure. Bending forward often ameliorates. Gas in the abdomen is felt for a long time after meals. For this patients current symptoms, past medical history and family history are taken into account. On the X-ray it shows pelvis misalignment right side up then left and disc degeneration in the back. Homeopathy can offer safe and effective pain relief for many kinds of backaches. I will bookmark it for future reference. Back pain, when felt in the neck, may radiate down the arms and hands. Physiotherapy is often helpful in cases of chronic lumbago. The muscles in the legs feel contracted, tight and sore, with restlessness at night. Weakness, tingling, numbness may be felt in arms/hands or legs/feet from nerve involvement. There is intense stiffness felt in the sacrum and hip region which is accompanied by pain. His family has been into homeopathy since 18th century. Back pain can affect a person of any age group. Otherwise, I am quite fit and play tennis. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for back pain. Madam How can i Relief my pain. It takes some time to settle. Homeopathic practitioners use it in different potencies from low to high. Diagnosis and Frostbite is the destruction of body tissue from exposure to temperatures or wind chill below A toothache is an aching pain in teeth or the supporting structures of teeth caused by dental Homeopathy treatment for Herpes simplex treats the person as a whole. The cause of IBS is unknown but may involve abnormal movements and contractions of intestinal muscles and increased pain sensitivity in the intestine. Can you help me.i will be highly obliged. Burps may have a foul smell like garlic. When I wake in the morning,I feel great pain in the back of my waist for a week.Even I cant move my waist.What can I do ? This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. Disclaimer: We dont claim cure any diseases by which modern medicine fraternity claiming incurable on the basis of the technology and scientific facts. Homeopathic medicinestarget the root causebehind excessive gas and treat it to givelong-term relief. Pain in the abdomen can arise from trapped gas. The abdomen feels full and greatly distended with colic. homeopathic medicine for back pain, in contrast to conventional medications, are non-toxic, nontoxic. Homeopathic medicine for back pain can be selected on the basis of cause, location, sensation, modalities and extension of the pain. Have you written a book of this nature? Exercise. In this website what drugs of metira medica mentioned the content what substitute for personal and professional diagnostic and medical, in this website the homeopathy medicines in the articles whose services here Dr. Ankireddy.com should be consulted with the qualified register medical practioner advices or health care provider. Hes in more pain now than before surgery. Symptoms guiding the use of Paris Quadrifolia are a sensation of weight in the neck, worsening of symptoms from exertion (either mental/physical) and numbness in fingers. It can be taken two or three times a day in a gap of three to four hours to get relief. Rumbling of gas in the abdomen is also well marked. Overall, this person typically feels a stitching and tearing pain. It presents no regular type of fever; the Pulsatilla can be used to correct mal-presentation of the foetus. 2. Two highly recommended Homeopathic medicines for back pain in the cervical region are Cimicifuga and Kalmia. Top of the page Dosage Pradeep saxena. He is the fourth generation homeopath. The most effective homeopathic remedies for gas include Carbo Veg, Lycopodium, China, Asafoetida and Raphanus Sativus. The spine feels sensitive, and there is pain especially in the back, neck and shoulders. Kali Carbonicum is a homeopathic medicine for lower back pain with the feeling that the knees are going to "give in." Hypericum perforatum This honeopathic remedy relieves lower back pain with sharp throbbing pain. Walking may relive the back pain. Bryonia Alba is another majorly indicated medicine for treating back pain. From United States and Canada call Copyright 2022 TraceGains, Inc. All rights reserved. This remedy can be helpful for back pain after injury and backaches during illness. Treating underlying causes: Homeopathic remedies focus on treating not only the symptoms but also their cause, allowing for more complete relief. VIJAY BAGARIA. For cervical back pain, I would rate Cimicifuga and Kalmia as the best Homeopathic medicines while for back pain after injury, Ruta and Hypericum would show the best results. The pain usually begins from the lower back down the legs and feet. M F Alam (sonalyia@gmail.com), Pingback: Top Homeopathic Medicines for Treating Sciatica Social Healer, Pingback: 5 meilleurs mdicaments homopathiques pour les maux de dos bedroomdecor.me, Write To Dr. Sharma and get a reply on how Homeopathy can help you. China is generally used in 30 C potency. Aesculus is especially indicated for people with low back pain who also have a tendency toward venous congestion and hemorrhoids. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms, belching with bitter taste or taste of the food consumed, along with vomiting of undigested food may be present. One would like to lie down for relief from back pain. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. Over exertion Mechanical cause includes abnormal posture, injury or trauma, heavy lifting. Homeopathic medicine Hypericum is recommended when pain from the tail bone radiates up the spine and down the limbs after injury. MRI and CT scan diagnose changes in the disc, muscles, ligaments, tendons of the back. Gas pain refers to pain or feeling of discomfort that causes due to excessive accumulation of gas in digestive tract especially when person is not able to pass the gas. Have thyroid, hypothyroidism. Higher potencies should be used after consulting a homeopathic physician. Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for back pain? Hypericum Perforatum is most significant medicine for coccyx pain (coccydynia) arising from a fall over the coccyx. Can you treat this condition with homeopathic medicine? Avoid prolonged, constant sitting and standing, Exercise and physiotherapy will help relax muscles and eventually, pain. Fibre rich diet lead to formation of gas. Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Here, Carbo Veg proves to be very effective. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. Rhus Tox - Best Remedy for Back Pain. Other alternative methods of treatments include Hydrotherapy, Relaxation therapy, Massage therapy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, activated charcoal, lactose supplements, peppermint tea etc etc. Asafoetida(commonly called heeng) is very suitable for treating excessive gas in the abdomenwhen allgas passes in the upward directionand none downwards. Please help me and prescribe a good medicine that I cure quickly. The back pain brought on by sexual excesses should lead to the consideration of Nux vomica Stiff neck and torticollis may also be benefited by Nux vomica. However, the lower back is the most common site for back pain. I am a chronic patient of lower back pain and hip pain on right side for 5 years now. Can you please suggest any medicien in homeopathy, so in future I enjoy my life and pain disappear. Loud burps appear forcibly with difficulty. Lower back pain may radiate down the legs and feet. +91-6283487321. Warm applications may offer some relief from pain. Pls tell about medicine. Homeopathy can be of great help for those who suffer from this problem of excessive gas. X-ray reveals any changes in the backbone. Aching and stiffness are aggravated in cold damp weather and relieved by warm applications, baths or showers, and massage. When I am sitting and stand up, and start to walk pain start. Discussion: Classic homeopathic treatment represents an effective treatment for low back pain and other diagnoses. Walking also, in fact, worsens back pain. Abdomen gets enlarged, inflated and distended. Homeopathy Medical College. Dr. Vikas Sharma has done his masters In Homeopathy (Gold Medalist), and has been into medical practice for the last 23 years. Better with sitting or laying down. Persons feeling a weakness, numbness or tingling sensation in the arms and hands along with neck pain also recover fully well with use of Homeopathic medicine Kalmia. N.S.Ruprah Advocate. It can cause gas, bloating along with other main symptoms of abdomen pain, diarrhea, weakness and weight loss. Changing position, coughing, turning, or walking may bring on sharp, excruciating pain. After lying down it is ok But to get it cured a proper evaluation and treatment are needed. i could learn more about this disease. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Chinais a useful remedy prepared from Peruvian dried bark. I loved this post! Aesculus is also one of the best Homeopathic medicines for back pain which gets worse when rising from a sitting position. Among them, Colocynthis is helpful for back pain radiating down the limbs on the left side. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Pain in the left upper back,arm,and finger,unable to rise hand and unable to sleep due to tremendous pain. Even though in pain, the person finds it hard to lie down or stay still for very long, and often restlessly paces about. Allopathic treatment Treatment is available by medication especially analgesics, anti- spasmodic drugs etc .basically treatment is based upon cause and condition. Required fields are marked *. I have pain in my left knee to toe, in the middle I have severe pain, when I want to walk I have sharp pain, problem in walking, I had four time knee replacement, because I broke the knee four times, now after fourth operatuion more than 18 months i have terrible pain, unable to walk long distance. Rest should be advised to the patient in the condition of acute back pain. However, in cases where the cervical pain radiates down the arm or hands, Kalmia has proved to be one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for back pain treatment. It is always advisable to discuss any new treatment program with your healthcare practitioner. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is important to realize that some amount of gas formation is very normal and is produced naturally during the process of digestion. But many people benfitted from his treatment. I am struggling, I think my life finish. Excessive gas specifically in the upper part of the abdomen is also a key indication for its use. The back pain may radiate down the legs and feet in some cases, but the person will surely feel a weakness in the legs, a sure sign that Cobaltum will provide sustained relief. The back pain that arises from muscle strain also recovers wonderfully well with Rhus Tox. Substances that lead to overproduction of gas are beans, dairy products,onions, celery, carrots, sprouts, fruits (raisins, bananas, apricots) and complex carbohydrates like dals. Stiffness and soreness of the spinal muscles and joints, especially in the neck and upper back, may be relieved by this remedy. People with IBS have thisincreased sensitivity of the intestinal walls. Aesculus Hippocastanum is a major medicine for back pain affecting the sacrum region. The backache is also classified according to the duration and intensity of the pain. Homeopathic medicine for upper back pain. Thank you The pains are worse when thinking of them. Some medicines that are effective in back pain treatment are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Kali Carb, Arnica Montana, and Hypericum Perforatum. It is primarily useful forgas in the entire abdomenthat causes excessive bloating. Backache and weakness after abortion, labor or profuse menses; while walking feels as if she must give up and lie down. This homeopathic medicine has backache or lumbago along with weakness of spine; from rising from a seat; pain as if sprained, can scarcely rise; curvature of dorsal vertebrae; backache due to an old injury; after bathing in a river or lake; from over lifting. Where such symptoms are noted, Ruta is the most prominent among Homeopathic medicines for back pain and has shown effective results. Alumen works effectively in softening the stool. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat pain in back, but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility of the patient. Crohns disease: It is aninflammatory bowel disease in which any part of thedigestive tract gets inflamed due to autoimmune response. 3. Bryonia Alba helps treat severe back pain caused due to stooping and standing. Diagnosis can be made on the basis of cause of gas pain. Back pain arising from falls blows of both recent and remote origin responds wonderfully well to these medicines. Passing off too much gas from the anus (flatulence). Went back to homeopathic prescriber again and was given staphisagria. I fell down stairs two weeks ago very bruised nothing broken but my lower back and mid back seize up and are very painful . We usually suffer from gas problem which is harmless but can be very disturbing, uncomfortable and incapacitating. Hi, Madam my name is Baki Billah, I am Bangladeshi, Since 2007 I broke my ankle joint talus that time I dont feel no pain. Jacques Hui Bon Hoa says Nux Vomica is prince remedy for lumbago rheumatology with symptom turning in bed causes pain plus is worse on rising and better by move which attracts to rhus tox and Nux remains hidden.Nux ill temper desires fat whereas rhustox desires cold milk rather than food and is averse taking simple water.in Nux there is pain first dorsal vertebrae feel as thrashed.Sulph cannot stand erect long time as body weight gravity force down causes pain lower limbs.pains groin around hip Physo when worse by sitting cobalt is recommended.of course Kali carb is constitutional remedy due to weak ligament connection.conium is Baba homeopathy for joint pains esp hip area. Ascending the stairs cause breathing. People with neck pain extending to the arms and feeling intense neck pain with neck or arm movements can get benefitted from Hypericum. Kali Carb is also useful for back pain in women during menses or after a miscarriage. Pain in the back is so severe that it makes patient restless; unable to sit or lie down; pain finally settles down on the upper part of the thigh and buttock. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Disc prolapsed or slipped disc Due to any reason can cause severe backache. The person often seems reserved or formal, but has strong emotions that are kept from others. Human chorionic gonadotropin BHMS, M.D. Patient tries to stay as still as possible, since even the slightest motion makes the pain worse. Cobaltum is used where pain in the back is worse in the sitting position. Homeopathic Medicine for Back Pain - Schwabe India Back pain is one of the most common issue faced by people in their day to day life . It is especially useful when there is numbness or tingling in the extremities, radiating pain from one area to another. This homeopathy remedy has quite a clinical reputation for curing back pain, and especially the back pain due to spinal irritation. This remedy relieves lower back aches and stiffness from overexertion or minor trauma. If back pain sets in during cold damp weather, along with catching a cold, or after getting wet and chilled, this remedy may be indicated. Antibiotics- gas pain may caused due to side effects of certain antibiotic drugs. Many patients with lower back pain, sciatica, pain down the back of the legs, or weakness of the lower-extremity muscles are diagnosed with a herniated (a.k.a . It was instantly better and never returned. Any medicine. The vertebrae collectively make the vertebral column with the vertebral canal running through its length in the centre. Another homeopathy remedy for back pain, especially if referable to spinal affections, is Nux vomica.It is in the lumbar region is worse at night when lying in bed. Approximately, 60% of the people experience back pain at least once in their lives. 8 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Back Pain now i am suffering Acut lumbago. Though the symptoms are usually bloating, abdominal pain, belching, and flatulence, not everyone experiences all of them. This is often useful for low back pain and muscle weakness, especially in a person who is chilly, flabby or overweight, and easily tired by exertion. But Nat Phos 12X works for me . MY MOTHER IS SUFFERING FROM CHRONIC SCIATICA, LAWER BACK PAIN AND KNEE PAIN. Sharp cutting pain in anterior cervical nerve, aggravation on lying down and relieved when sitting. Better with heat Following a simple diet and lifestyle changes can help to reduce gas and relieve symptoms. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at Drhomeo.com should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. Other symptoms may include weakness in the back, lower limbs or upper limbs. Some medicines that are effective in back pain treatment are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Kali Carb, Arnica Montana, and Hypericum Perforatum. Its so severe that I am unable to walk. Best Homeopathic Remedies for Back Pain Relief. Extension of the pain may occur to the other parts of the body especially to the buttocks, back of thigh, calf muscles. The pain usually radiates from the lower back down the legs and feet. So once a month for 2 to 5 days, i suffer lower back pain especially on the right side. If yes, please reply to my personal email that I am sharing below. The Rhus pains are relieved by bending backwards. Please advise me the best treatment. The pain can get worse on walking and to stop this one requires rest and then start to walk again. This may be attended with lameness in the back. Exercising regularly helps improve digestion and it is advisable to walk for 10-15 minutes after consuming a meal. Back pain may be accompanied by marked stiffness. I have sever back pain, when I am getting off from the bed. It has gotten worse over the years. Rhus Tox - Best Remedy for Back Pain Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine for treating back pain. Pain is also worse from stooping. Back pain can be felt anywhere between the neck and tail bone. For individualized remedy selection and homeopathy treatment of back pain, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. While prescribing Homeopathic medicines for back pain, the cause and aggravating factors are studied in detail in each case. They are no doubt considered to be natural and safe for consumption by in fact all age groups. Pregnancy Enlarged belly during pregnancy can stretch the spine which ultimately leads to back pain or backache, Backache during menses Usually females often complain for lower backache during menstruation. Excellent homeopathic remedy for nerve pain especially after surgery or injury. A description of the most common homeopathic medicines for various types of pain is provided, including back pain, dental pain, labor pains, and trigeminal neuralgia. Osteoarthritis of the back refers to degenerative changes in the bones, disc, cartilage or joint of back. Persistent nausea, headaches, or other symptoms associated with the back problem, Pain that spreads to arms, legs, or other parts of the body beyond the area of the original complaint, Sudden onset of severe symptoms that require. Healthwise, Healthwise for every health decision, and the Healthwise logo are trademarks of Healthwise, Incorporated. The pain, in both the cases, can be of a shooting, cramping or tearing nature. Buy Top Homeopathy Medicines for Back Pain, Lumbago Online Related searches for back pain relief. For those who need Aesculus Hippocastanum, rising from a sitting position becomes very difficult. You can take it at the onset of symptoms such as foul-smelling diarrhea accompanied by extreme tiredness, nausea, and vomiting. Homeopathy is known to effect magical recovery in back pain cases whether resulting from disc complaint, arthritis, injuries or muscle strain. Homeopathy is based on the idea that "like cures like . This remedy is often indicated when a person with back pain has a slouching posture. Pain is also worse when the weather is dry and tends to be better in rainy weather. Pain felt anywhere between the cervical to coccyx region along the back is referred to as back pain. This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back, when the pain is worse on initial movement and improves with continued motion. Other causes of one sided back pain are listed below. Patient feels dull stiffed in morning and feels better when busy in some work. Physiotherapy does play an important role in managing back pain, but to completely cure back pain. Hi Dr. Sharma: Patients From rest of the world and India call Pls suggest any medicine . In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label. Homeopathic remedies such as Bryonia Alba, Dulcamara, and Nux Vomica are well studied for treating pain and alleviating the root causes of back pain. Some characteristic symptoms indicating its use are the back pain arises from muscle strain due to overstraining or overstretching or from lifting heavy weight, it worsens with rest while the person feels relief from walking or motion. It is useful as the back pain gets better with hard pressure. Back is divided into three major parts upper, middle and lower. MRI is almost normal except some Is changed in cervical area and lower back. Just an anecdote, may not be applicable to any one else, & other causes. what I do, whos food and homeopathic Medicine take or don't take. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)or ADD (without the hyperactivity) is, For the past few decades, the use of homeopathic remedies, Symptoms of varicocele are manifold and need to be taken, Homeopathy is the treatment of disease by minute based doses, There are several streams of medicines that one can follow, What is Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland)? Chronic low back pain and muscle weakness may lead to inflammation and soreness that are aggravated by dampness and cold. However, both the medicines have proven their ability to bring lasting relief from pain and established themselves as the best Homeopathic medicines for back pain. This pain is now going to the leg weaking the right leg. The gas problem exhibits mainly in the following ways: 2. Back gives out during pregnancy, prolapsus, leucorrhoea; when walking or stooping; must sit or lie down. A prominent symptom that decides in favour of Bryonia Alba as the best medicine is that the back pain gets worse with motion. Below you can find 21 Best Homeopathic Medicine for acidity and constipation. avkverma2@gmail.com, , Disc bulge refers to slipping of the intervertebral disc from its place. It is worth trying out treatment options at the best homeopathy clinics in Hyderabad, best homeopathic treatment in Hyderabad, Your email address will not be published. The pain may be accompanied by marked stiffness in such cases, for which Bryonia would rate among the best Homeopathic medicines for back pain. The posture of body also gets uneasy. Bryonia Alba helps treat back pain and is considered to be the best medicine for worsening back pain due occurring due to motion. This homeopathy remedy has quite a clinical reputation for curing back pain, and especially the back pain due to spinal irritation. Intense stiffness is observed in the sacrum and hip region along with the pain. Ruta is prescribed for a back that is sore and bruised from injury. Was given Causticum and pain got worse ( went into lightening like pain traveling down leg. Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines for slipped disc based on the physical symptoms as well as the mental make up of an individual. Nerves in the cervical region could get pinched due to a disc bulge, herniated disc, cervical spondylosis, bone spurs, and spinal stenosis. , constant sitting and standing treatment program with your healthcare practitioner cures like forgas in the pain. And scientific facts should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person it to givelong-term relief nothing but... Back aches and stiffness are aggravated in cold damp weather and relieved by warm applications, baths showers... 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