Alas.). The census of 1880 recorded just 16,277 Indians in California, a 90 percent decline from preGold Rush days. "I think most problematic when we see them used in the school setting is that they actually cause harm to students, native students and non-native students alike, and that they have this real negative impact on the students," Campbell told Salon. No other way to describe it. A lot of the people who first came to the region would end up being known as 49ers as a result. Why is this behavior offensive? To be able to comment you must be registered and logged in. Few professional organizations have the history of the 49ers. While the team colors of red and gold are certainly a nod to the whole gold rush aspect of the 49ers name, their official mascot takes the NorCal representation to new heights. (Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images/NFL/Salon), ------------------------------------------, exploited, enslaved and even murdered the indigenous people in what's now the state of California, 80 percent of California's Native Americans were wiped out, April Moore from the Nisenan Maidu told PBS. We live in an age where the reality of Americas history with Indigenous people is easily accessible from the people living through the fallout of that history. Still, there are a lot of them. The influx of opportunists was a boon for California's economy, and. At the time, they were playing in the All-America Football Conference and would end up being the first major sports franchise to play for San Francisco. If more voices come out to protest the connotation of the franchises moniker andits relationship to the genocide that took place during this period, San Francisco might just be the next team to see a change in their name. Alas.). But those aggressive gold miners would give their nickname to a football team one hundred years later. (In San Francisco alone, the citys population soared from a thousand residents in 1848 to 20,000 citizens just two years later.) 2023 Cable News Network. Since 1977, when her father purchased the team and became the owner of the 49ers, Marie Denise DeBartolo York and her family have been integral pieces that have helped shape the organization and the NFL into what it is today. While the Kansas City Chiefs have in recent years taken steps to improve their relationship with Native American communities, they have not banned offensive regalia from their games, ended their problematic rituals or seriously considered changing their name. The 49ers would go on to have some success in the following years. The wars between the U.S. and the settlers who wouldnt stop moving west and the Kiowa, Missouri, Osage, Kansa, Pawnee, and Arapaho nations in the 1800s were famously brutal. What Do Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, And Lent Mean? The voided agreements would not see the light of day again until 1905. They murdered 12 tribe members and took eight hostages. The miners who arrived in 1849 encountered a number of fortunate coincidences. Thats not to say that everything is the worst. Things are changing in some regards. Credit: Spencer Weiner/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. I tend to be a glass-is-half-full kind of person. A Definition and Overview. Merriam-Webster defines uppity as "putting on or marked by airs of superiority" and likens the word to arrogant and presumptuous behavior. Companies are refusing to broker Redskins merchandise. The laws final section established a form of state-sponsored slavery. Allis added that the problem with using Native American iconography in sports, however, is that it has a psychological impact on how viewers perceive Native American communities that can be particularly harmful in school settings. Despite its negative history, the word is regularly used by various races. Tony Accardo, a.k.a. That, to me, provides some hope. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! Its called a genocide, Newsom said. After James W. Marshall, whod been overseeing the sawmills construction, found the gold nuggets he and his boss, John Sutter, attempted to keep the discovery a secret. They were working along the American River near what is now Coloma, California, when they cracked open a vein of gold. The 49ers hired Chargers offensive coordinator Bill Walsh as head coach and drafted Notre Dame quarterback Joe Montana. When the AAFC folded three years later, the 49ers joined the NFL in 1950. To get a full view on the horrific nature of the war on the plains, listen to Daniele Bolellis amazing recounting on his History on Fire podcast focusing on the Sand Creek Massacre (one of the darkest chapters in U.S. history). Just like Warriors and Indians may not be offensive," Kevin Allis, the CEO of the National Congress of American Indians and a member of the Forest County Potawatomi Community, told Salon. Colin Kaepernick was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1987. The Super Bowl is coming up, and in these days of anticipation we often get so caught up worrying about little things like What teams are playing? and Whos going to win? that we lose sight of the bigger question: Why on earth are the San Francisco 49ers called the San Francisco 49ers? Lets dive right into why this name is baffling. You Cant Use These English Words In The UK, Understanding Black History: 10 Terms That Illuminate The Black Experience In The US. The negative news is that the teams name is still causing controversey over its negative connotations. So, if your football festivities seem to be lagging on Super Bowl Sunday, feel free to whip out some of these facts and launch into a detailed conversation about bread. O'Loughlin also reflected on the fact that America's education system shortchanges Native American history, particularly in completely neglecting what has happened to indigenous communities in recent years. The 49ers were founded in 1946, and hold the distinction of beingthe first major league professional sports franchisebased in San Francisco. ", Allis said that these things could be used either ceremonially or before someone went off to battle and added "it kind of portrays an image of a warrior savage. By David Bonilla. Its also understandable. In the summer of 2020, they announced that they were retiring their name and logo, after decades of criticism that the name was an anti-indigenous slur . The Forty-Niners, a group of shjo manga artists also known as the Year 24 Group. While not quite as obviously racist as those of other franchises, it is said that the term 49ershonors a generation of fortune seekersthatexploited, enslaved, and killed native Americans. These conversations are part of that process. America only achieved possession of it through imperialism in part by having white settlers colonize the land and eventually declare that a section of it should be "independent" of Mexico. Not for clicks. Goats in California? 8 of the Worst (or Weirdest) Video Game Adaptations, Sporcle Events Newsletter Bonus Questions Week of 2/27. A century after the Gold Rush, the 49ers were. Such vagrant, as the law described the Indian, would be hired out for four months for the highest price that can be had.. It was also the last season the family was involved with the team. While local white settlers awaited the territorys entry into the union, they pressed ahead with the formation of a state government. So much so, that the New York Times wrote a feature this week talking about how the issue divides people (making one wonder, would other racist traditions get the both sides treatment from the paper of record?). In 1848, at Sutters Mill, roughly 130 miles from what is now San Francisco, gold was discovered. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. But shortly afterward, the tomahawk chop started making its way out of Florida and catching on with teams from Cleveland to Atlanta to Kansas City. The treaty documents arrived in D.C. in early 1852. The San Francisco 49ers are trying to identify the fan who sent profanely racist messages to a player from a rival team in an effort to ban the person from games and events. Is It Called Presidents Day Or Washingtons Birthday? The idea of the Indian reservation continued to evolve in the nations capital. Which Continent Is Russia Part of Europe or Asia? The miners who arrived that year faced veryfavorable odds of getting rich. The old 49er has long been a beloved figure in the state's lore.. This is the history you need to know to understand exactly who you are. The 49ers are not the only professional franchise the York family has shaped In 1978, DeBartolo Sr. purchased the Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL and established Denise as the owner and president of the team. Meeting in a closed-door executive session on July 8, 1852, a majority of senators voted to reject all 18 treaties. The reality of the early gold-rush prospectors was not nearly as benevolent as the mascots wide smile may suggest. A relic of the stone age which, yes, represented weaponry used during the previous millennia but also helped solidify in peoples minds that the Indigenous people of the western plains were stone-age savages. And guess what? Hired in 2011, Harbaugh guided the 49ers to a 13-3 record in his first year, culminating in an overtime loss to the eventual Super Bowl champion New York Giants in the NFC Championship. A classic case of Americas pastime (being racist) merging with its favorite game. The SF 49ers' stay at the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia between Weeks 2 and 3 contradicts the organization's statements on racism. So for me, this can only boil down to education, or a lack thereof. Stephen A. Douglas, the Illinois senator whose seat would later be challenged by Abraham Lincoln, proposed extinguishing Indian land ownership in the far West by establishing expansive plots of land where Indians may be permanently located and protected. (This proposal was the beginning of todays reservation system.) "The 49ers", a group of Cathay Pacific Airways pilots fired on 9 July 2001. So does the tomahawk chop. Besides being really hot, Death Valley seems [], Partner Spotlight: West Ave Tavern in Tallmadge, OH, Partner Spotlight: Old Chicago Pizza + Taproom in Merrillville, IN, Partner Spotlight: Crave Hot Dogs & BBQ in Canton, MI, What Is a Caste? Originally, they played at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco before relocating to Candlestick Park in 1970. These miners were called the forty-niners, and the name was an easy choice for the football team when it was formed. They were the 49ers from the start. And arguments are sure to break out between young and old family members at Super Bowl parties in Missouri and the Bay Area. NFL Scouting Combine records: 40-yard dash, best vertical jump, bench press, 3-cone drill. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. Also, California was still disputed territory. As a result, we have a responsibility when it comes to the stories we tell through those games. There was actually a write-in contest for local Kansas City denizens to name the team. Discovery Company. All the property acquisition required was a little terrorism practiced on the countrys original inhabitants. Fittingly, it's deeply tied to the history of the San Francisco area. Hes often portrayed as a grizzled prospector sporting a bushy beard, a floppy felt hat, a carefree smile, and a pickax on his shoulder. Established in 1944, they are one of the oldest teams in the league. (Last Updated On: April 18, 2019) What Is a Caste? It portrays and stereotypes American Indians as being uncivilized.". Chapter 133s most abhorrent clause stated, In no case shall a white man be convicted of any offence upon the testimony of an Indian, or Indians. With those 20 words, California effectively legalized the rape, robbery, and murder of any Native American within the boundaries of the state. To a 49er miner, an Indigenous woman or child was nothing more than a pick-ax when it broke, you simply had to buy a new one. And because it was such an environmentally productive area, in the beginning they didn't have a problem with eating, but because there were so many people, they overused the area and created drought and created starvation for themselves, and along with them for the indigenous peoples. In the 1940s, when the team was founded, the idea of expanding the league that far across the country was considered a very risky move. The influx of opportunists was a boon for Californias economy, and hastened its admittance into the union in 1850. Prove it by playing this quiz. Are you an NFL fan? Following the purchase, he gave the team to his son Edward J. DeBartolo Jr. As one newspaper wrote at the time, "Whites are becoming impressed with the belief that it will be absolutely necessary to exterminate the savages before they can labor much longer in the mines with security. If they win it all, they will tie with the New England Patriots for the most Super Bowl victories in NFL history. Around this period of US history, the government reportedly armed local militiasto kill Native American men and seize women and childrento besold to miners and used as free labor. The origin of the Kansas City Chiefs' team name may not be what you think: The team was named after former Kansas City mayor H. Roe Bartle. These include attacks on the Indian Child Welfare Actandthe urgent problem of overlookedmissing and murdered indigenous people. Technically, the San Francisco 49ers are registered as the San Francisco Forty Niners, but that definitely wouldnt fit on a football helmet. They would also have some of the most recognizable and acclaimed players ever to take the field during this period, like wide receiver Jerry Rice, quarterbacks Joe Montana and Steve Young, and cornerback Ronnie Lott. The wretched remnant which escapes starvation on the one hand, and the relentless whites on the other, only do so to rot and die of a loathsome disease, the penalty of Indian association with frontier civilization, Beale wrote. These fortunate early gold miners were quickly dubbed the forty-niners. There were published reports around the country about them, and there was a book, The Forty-niners, Or, The Pioneers Daughter published in 1879. Having spent most of his military career fighting Indians, Old Rough and Ready Taylor declared himself keen to move the country into an era of peace and prosperity. When the white Californians heard the terms, they were outraged: Why reserve even a single acre for the Indians? "When you look at the Kansas City Chiefs, and you look at a lot of their fans that are wearing headdresses, a lot of their fans that are putting war paint on their faces and bringing different kinds of things with them that symbolize a bow and an arrow or some kind of a tool or sacred item that is Indian in nature, the treatment of that is what the problem is, and the treatment of those things impacts and tarnishes the name of the team," Allis told Salon. And not anybody in an American Indian community can wear an eagle feather headdress. The California Gold Rush began in 1848 but it took a year for the word to get out, and so by the time 1849 rolled around, thousands of fortune hunters had . This is a team that is named after a Native American position of authority, features an arrowhead on their helmets andplays at a facility called Arrowhead Stadium. All rights reserved. "And studies have shown that for youth growing up near those types of sports teams with the mascots that they have, they're suffering from that. The team, which started out as part of the All-America Football Conference (AAFC), a rival to the National Football League (NFL), played its first regular-season game in September 1946. Through the indiscriminate use of terrorism and murder, Californias 49ers carried out one of the most successfuland, until recently, largely unacknowledgedcampaigns of ethnic cleansing the world has ever seen. I felt like the 49ers hierarchy left me.. Who is Zuri Hall? And so that's really where I've focused more fundamentally, is on these issues in public schools rather than with private companies.". All rights reserved. Fittingly, its deeply tied to the history of the San Francisco area. As a result, while gold technically was discovered in 1848, the Gold Rush didnt hit full swing until 1849. Why Both Super Bowl Team Names Should Be Replaced, GloRilla, Ice Spice, And The Carefree Black Girl Backlash, Karol G Tells Us About Her Most Personal Album Yet, Maana Ser Bonito, And Collaborating With Shakira, The Rundown: Between Cocaine Bears And Maple Syrup Heists, Margo Martindale Is Absolutely Thriving In 2023. Why Is The Football Team Called The 49ers? IRS delays tax deadline for Bay Area, but California hasn't followed: What should you do? Dear Abby: Why do they imply my husband is a freak? This slave trade lasted well into the 1870s with slave markets in San Francisco still functioning until they simply ran out of people to sell. It is why people cared so much when a San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, used his platform to speak out against injustice, and why they are inspired by 49ers offensive assistant coach Katie Sowers, one of the few women to ever coach for an NFL team, the first openly LGBTQ coach and the first woman and openly LGBTQ coach to appear in a Super Bowl. "Our sacred sites, our cultural places and our water clean water, clean air have been threatened all through this administration by the cutbacks in the regulatory framework for various environmental laws, whether it's the Clean Water Act that just got narrowed just this last week, to what happened with Standing Rock, to Bears Ears," she said. These are all mainstays of a Kansas City Chiefs game. Perhaps because of the name, the team has never left San Francisco. President Millard Fillmore, Taylors successor, appointed a superintendent of Indian affairs for California, a man named Edward Beale, and charged him with moving the states remnant Native American population onto reservations that encompassed roughly one-one-hundredth of the statenot the one-seventh promised. Forgot password? A Complete List of Official Disney Princesses, 14 Greys Anatomy Trivia Team Names that Wont Make You an MD. Blackface has been resoundingly jettisoned from our society. The sleeping Indians werent even members of the same Maidu tribe, but to the miners, it didnt matter: Indian was Indian. When New Jersey prospector James Marshall "discovered" gold at Sutter's Mill, it was because Native Americans brought the nuggets to his attention without recognizing their commercial value. He was suspended in 1999, having pled guilty for failing to report felony extorsion. Youll see the colorful old coot prowling the sidelines, striking poses for the television cameras and exhorting the fans to cheer. The main thrust of the story is that the United States armed local militias thanks to the second amendment and sent them out on raiding parties. Thats what it was: a genocide. With Jed York serving as president, the 49ers are once again on the cusp of greatness. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Americans (of all cultural backgrounds) are woefully uneducated or, worse, miseducated about anything pertaining to Indigenous history or our modern lives. The conditions in the mining camp were rough and crude. The winner that shook out was an honorific for a local mayor whose nickname was Chief. This is due to said mayor starting a Boy Scout club that ripped off Native American rituals and paired it with Hollywood-inspired iconography, but thats another fight for another day. After settling a QB controversy between Alex Smith and Colin Kaepernick, the 49ers played their way into Super Bowl XLVII. Its the U.S.s responsibility to educate people on this but some of that falls on you, too. Who is the owner of the San Francisco 49ers? Native Americans aren't the only victims associated with the Gold Rush. They're suffering from being in a community where they see that that behavior is OK.", O'Loughlin also noted that there are a lot of pressing issues facing modern Native American communities that get overlooked, even as our culture focuses on offensive simplifications about Native American peoples. Come game time, an expected global audience of 100 million people will tune in to see the 49ers take on the Chiefs. Who are the main candidates to buy the Washington Commanders? Activate your account. What happened next would become one of the lowest moments of shameless treachery in the history of the U.S. Senate. Theyd raid Indigenous towns, kill all the men, and then take the women and children to slave markets to be sold to miners as free labor. With each passing day, more and more miners came to the goldfields. Naturally, it being the 1960s, the mascot the team chose was an Indian in a loincloth and face paint with feathers riding a horse named Warpaint. In 1978, DeBartolo Sr. purchased the Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL and established Denise as the owner and president of the team. Gold was first found in Northern California in January 1848, and it took about a year for the news to travel and inspire thousands of fortune seekers to head west. Its fans engage in a ritual called the "tomahawk chop," often wear face paint and headdresses to games and cheer to game day rituals such as a dignitary banging a drum while surrounded by cheerleaders or a cheerleader riding a horse named Warpaint around the field before the game and when the team scores. In San Francisco's 24-20 loss to the Arizona Cardinals on Sunday, safety Budda Baker tackled 49ers star George Kittle's and the tight end wound up leaving with a sprained left knee. An arrowhead was chosen. John is also the chairman of the NFLs International Committee and sits on the leagues Audit and Business Ventures Committees. Indians may be permanently located and protected, Act for the Government and Protection of Indians. So why are we still fair game? Yet the same men and women who attempted to become wealthy off of the precious metals in the earth exploited, enslaved and even murdered the indigenous people in what's now the state of California in order to do so. From 1991-1998, the 49ers averaged a staggering 13 wins per season, further cementing their legacy in the pantheon of all-time dynasties in professional sports. But, like the 49ers of the gold rush, team founder Tony Morabito saw opportunity where others saw uncertainty. So, if your football festivities seem to be lagging on Super Bowl Sunday, feel free to whip out some of these facts and launch into a detailed conversation about bread. Blind fury! Houston Colt .45s? Theyve nabbed five Super Bowl titles and were home to several NFL legends, including Steve Young, Joe Montana and Jerry Rice. Salon reached out to several Native American leaders to get their thoughts on the mascot controversy not just with the Kansas City Chiefs, but anywhere that Native American images are used to promote athletic competitions. Alcohol and weapons were everywhere, and violence often erupted. That excuse is gone, folks. This explains the name, but theres a lot more to delve into when it comes to the overall history of the San Francisco 49ers team. Yet as the gold became more difficult to find, the early prospectors looked for other means of support, and California offered a wealth of prime real estate. Some team names come with a little geographical bonus, like the Baltimore Ravens paying tribute to legendary resident Edgar Allen Poe. No laws governed the growing population in the new territory. Fun fact: In the 1950s, the San Francisco 49ers were the first to implement the shotgun formation into plays, a common method to give the quarterback extra time to make a throw. Martin O'Malley (2007-2015), computer engineer and Internet co-inventor Leonard Kleinrock and right-wing insurrectionist Roger Stone. Taylor and his Indian affairs advisers were excited to test an idea that had been attracting growing interest. Every day, get free NFL updates sent straight to your inbox! Fake headdresses abound. It took until 1970 for the 49ers to win their first divisional championship. Similarly, cheering for the San Francisco 49ers after learning about the history of the California Gold Rush, in which white people oppressed and enslaved Native Americans on land that the United States had recently stolen from Mexico, means cheering for racism. Think pieces are being written on liberal and conservative outlets. They unquestionably were not stone-age people riding horses in loincloths. The San Francisco 49ers dominated the Los Angeles Rams in a 24-9 win over their divisional rival on Monday. And this campaign of exploitation and genocide against the 150,000 people who had originally lived in what's nowCalifornia was hardly accidental. Copyright 2023, LLC. It will be hard to hide. The teams name is a nod to history. In 2020, you dont get to play the well, I didnt know card anymore. Until 2019, when the 49ers went 133 and advanced to Super Bowl LIV, they had losing seasons every year following Harbaughs departure. Heres Our Review Of Cocaine Bear: Oh Hell Yes! They were early at the scene and there remained a lot of gold to be had. It has also been a place where geopolitical conflicts have heated up, such as during the Cold War when the United States boycotted the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics and the Soviet Union boycotted the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics. The federal government, Lea added, should supply Indians there with farming tools, cloth, and livestock; assist them with housing; and secure for them intellectual, moral, and religious education. A few days later, they killed the hostages too. Nowadays, when we think about the original 49ers, we imagine hardscrabble, risk-taking men expressing radical individualism,. As mentioned above, teams and broadcasters are refusing to show redface. In 2008, Jed became president of the franchise, with his parents transitioning to co-chairmen. What Is the Story Behind This Little Piggy? That mascot was phased out in 1988 and a completely innocuous mascot, The K.C. Gidget Alikpala G_Alikpala. Murder did the rest. Bickering over the nacho plate! This slave trade lasted well into. Matthew Rozsa is a professional writer whose work has appeared in multiple national media outlets since 2012 and exclusively at Salon since 2016. The-CNN-Wire They were founded in 1946 as a charter member of the All-America Football Conference (AAFC) and joined the NFL in 1949 when the two merged. These prospectors were dubbed the 49ers.. Is she dating Chiefs Travis Kelce? I know they starve; I know they perish by hundreds It is a crying sin that our government, so wealthy and so powerful, should shut its eyes to the miserable fate of these rightful owners of the soil.. San Francisco's professional football team, the 49ers, was named in honor of the men who came to California during the Gold Rush. In 1995, the San Francisco 49ers became the first NFL team to win five Super Bowls. A century after the Gold Rush, the 49ers were memorialized when San Franciscos first major league professional sports franchise, a football team, was named. "It is not just heartbreaking, but it's spiritually and emotionally harmful," O'Loughlin explained. And the 49ers are certainly not the only professional team to use a historically problematic or controversial figure as a mascot. If you liked this post, you might also enjoy this: Top 10 Crazy Moments in NFL History. "Like I call myself an American Indian and I run the National Congress of American Indians. The 49ers did their part to kill off Indian chiefs and their tribes. There should be assigned to each tribe, for a permanent home, a country adapted to agriculture, of limited extent and well-defined boundaries, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Luke Lea wrote in his annual report of 1850. The 49ers won 49-26. is the nickname for those who flocked to northern California in 1849, also a kind of Olympic-style racing dinghy, team founder Tony Morabito saw opportunity where others saw uncertainty, are registered as the San Francisco Forty Niners,, French prospectors were the first to bring the chewy, tangy sourdough recipe.

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