But the higher the privilege, the greater the danger of either despising or perverting it. He requires also profession or confession, for it is not true faith except it shows itself before men. The privileges are, 1. When you spread forth your hands. It would have been sufficient had they been able to perfect man. He presses a conversation without covetousness, and a spirit of content, founded on our confidence in the Lord's care. It is that which infinitely exceeds the deliverance out of Egypt, or any ceremonial atonement ever wrought by a high priest for Israel. They could not understand how it was they should come into greater trouble than before. A high priest over the house of God, even this blessed Jesus, who presides over the church militant, and every member thereof on earth, and over the church triumphant in heaven. Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 Thus in every case it is faith. It is true that victims were sometimes slain in ratifying a covenant, and thus were the seal of that covenant; but, first, they were not essential; and, secondly and chiefly, , the covenanter or contracting party had in no case to die in order to make the contract valid. For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins ( Hebrews 10:26 ). Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 4:16; Hebrews 10:19). Why turn back to "meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein?". iii. That we should consider one another, to provoke to love and to good works. And now a tiger, drawn by the scent of human flesh, circling the pit, and then the fast footsteps as it approached and leaped into the pit. They must draw near by conversion, and by taking hold of his covenant. All jokes aside, Hebrews 10:26 is an oft-abused scripture. That's the purpose of gathering and assembling ourselves together is for mutual encouragement, the strengthening of each other, the exhorting of each other. 10:1-10 Because the law is only a pale shadow of the blessings which are to come and not a real image of these things, it can never really fit for the fellowship of God those who seek to draw near to his presence with the sacrifices which have to be brought year by year and which go on for ever. I am accepted in Jesus Christ. If we are ever to have fellowship with God, obedience is the only way. To profess this hope is to be saved. From theology he turns to practical exhortation. The one who has patience has set his allegiance to faith and piety even during immense trials and afflictions. The writer to the Hebrews began this chapter speaking of faith in the present tense: Now faith is. Apostasy is the mark and the brand of those in whom God takes no pleasure; and it is a cause of God's severe displeasure and anger. For if they could have been perfect sacrifices that had put away the sins then would they not have ceased to be offered? In any event the meaning of the two phrases is the same. Accordingly he became just the more the vessel of divine power to the glory of God. Here, too, he begins to introduce what a. priest does, that is, the exercise of his functions. General Search for 'Hebrews 9:4-:' within 'New American Standard Version' on StudyLight.org. His shadow was cast over the past history. He declared, "I have come. He will soon come to judgment, and put an end to the sufferings of the whole church (all his mystical body), and give them an ample and glorious reward in the most public manner. God then has provided some better thing for us. Choose a verse from 'Hebrews 10' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on StudyLight.org. He took himself and said to God: "Do with me as you will." Do not throw away your confidence, for it is a confidence that has a great reward. At the end of his course there was a still heavier tax on him. He is my mediator. It is what He carries on now. "By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king." Verses 19 to 21 tell us of the privileges we have as Christians: The way to God . There remains no more sacrifice for such sins, no other Christ to come to save such sinners; they sin against the last resort and remedy. This was also a grand point of distinction. Now notice the law was only a shadow of the good things to come. For you have need of patience, and after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise. With all this Christianity is contrasted. This is the fact. His life is incomplete without his death; his death is incomplete without his resurrection; his resurrection is incomplete without his return to glory. Observe, There is a kind of sanctification which persons may partake of and yet fall away: they may be distinguished by common gifts and graces, by an outward profession, by a form of godliness, a course of duties, and a set of privileges, and yet fall away finally. There must be a due preparation for making our approaches to God. It would be death to attempt to come to God in the way of the covenant of works; but this way we may come to God, and live. Here's a letter to help them keep going. There is a wholeness about the life of Jesus that perhaps we ought to give more thought. This is taken out of Psalms 94:1, Vengeance belongs unto me. That is, he sought carefully with tears the blessing given to Jacob; but there was no room left for repentance, simply in the sense of change of mind; for, I suppose, the word here has that sense, which sometimes, no doubt, it has. Bible Study Tools. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins ( Hebrews 10:4 ). Totally forgiven through Him, accepting this new covenant that God has established, your sins are completely put away. Its greatest peril was from the possible evil living and apostasy of its members. Over a month, we're looking at verses 19 to 25. "He suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust," says another apostle, "that he might bring us" not to pardon, nor to peace, nor to heaven, but "to God." Are they both true of you? Of course it is true that Jesus took His seat there, but more is conveyed in the true form of the text ( ) here. It carries a present reward in it, in holy peace and joy, and much of God's presence and his power resting upon them; and it shall have a great recompense of reward hereafter. (3.) This is natural and pleasant to the flesh, no doubt; but it is precisely what opposes the whole object of God in Christianity, since Christ went on high till He come again, and therefore the path of faith to which the children of God are called. If only we were always at our best, life would be very different. The "confession" here is our trust in God's promises, of what God eternallyaffords the believer. Thus, before he enters on the subject of the sacrifices at length, he takes notice of the covenants, and thence he draws a conclusion from the well-known prophecy in Jeremiah, where God declares that the days were coming when He would make a new covenant. Of this we saw somewhat inHebrews 10:1-39; Hebrews 10:1-39. He rests confidingly on the cross, that only valid moral basis before God; at the same time he is waiting for the glory that is to be revealed. In Jesus there is at one and the same time the perfect revelation of God and the perfect offering of obedience. And during the night the tigers, drawn by the scent of human flesh, would come and devour the victims. They were afflicted in the afflictions of their brethren: Partly while you became companions of those that were so used. There remains, therefore, a sabbath-keeping for the people of God. It is the only way; there is no way left but this. The sin here mentioned is a total and final apostasy, when men with a full and fixed will and resolution despise and reject Christ, the only Saviour,--despise and resist the Spirit, the only sanctifier,--and despise and renounce the gospel, the only way of salvation, and the words of eternal life; and all this after they have known, owned, and professed, the Christian religion, and continue to do so obstinately and maliciously. Their abject ruin placed them just in the circumstances that suited the God of all grace. How is it that anybody ordinarily gets an inheritance? does not express eternity (which would be , or some such form of words) but "for continuance." "He taketh away the first." (See under 10:25.) 7. He may infer that there must be; but he never can say that there is. Stevenson said that he so believed in the ultimate decency of things that if he woke up in hell he would still believe in it; and we must have a grip on the faith that nothing can loosen. For Christians the promised reward will be at Christs return, when he judges between those who persevere in faith and those who turn back (36-39). And, finally, he sums up the superiority of Christ in this, that "they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death: but he, because of his continuing for ever, hath the priesthood intransmissible." ( Hebrews 10:2 ). It may mean the worlds governed by dispensations; but still that the idea of the whole universe is in it cannot be fairly contested by competent minds. If they were Abraham's children, and not his seed only, surely they would honour Him. And the apostle shows that we need not only a perfect pattern in the walk of faith, but chastenings by the way. The addition of this last clause as a necessary condition confirms the sense assigned. Carefully observe that it is the tabernacle, never the temple. The point to which he directs the reader is the evident and surpassing dignity of the case the unity too of the Priest and the priesthood; and this for an obvious reason. Every hour a bulletin went out throughout the kingdom telling of the condition of the prince as he fought the battle for life. With Zion then the apostle justly begins. Here the meaning is the saving of one's daily life (He 10:32-39). 5. All within the kingdom rejoiced.In the meantime, the princess had again been incarcerated because the court's judgment had not been executed. kata sarka greek kata sarka greek. As far as the soul is concerned, Christ would not go up to heaven until sin was abrogated before God. In short, Christians will never advance two paces without fainting, except they are sustained by patience. These characteristics he proves to be really found in Christ Himself. This was the very difficulty that the Jew pleaded; but now, in point of fact, it was only what the Psalm of Messiah insisted on, the law itself bearing witness of a priest superior to any under the law. The undivided place of Christ is more fully witnessed now, when there are no others to occupy the thought or to distract the heart from Him as seen by faith in glory on high. He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what, does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love. What comes in between the two? . In all the covenants of scripture the man that makes it has never to die for any such end. God honoured the son for the father's sake. In the first chapter we saw the seat of personal glory connected with atonement; in the eighth chapter it is the witness of His priesthood, and where it is. Then follows the heavenly glory, to which grace naturally leads; then the natural inhabitants of the heavenly land, namely, the angels "and to myriads of angels, the general assembly." For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens." No other seat was suitable to such a One. "God, I'll do this for You if You'll do this, this and this." But here is One who proffers Himself to come, and does come. For not merely did David receive from Jehovah that throne, but never were the people of God lifted out of such a state of distress and desolation, and placed on such a height of firm and stable triumph as under that one man's reign. it is not the dulness of Jewish prejudice only, but exactly what is denied by every system of which men boast in Christendom. The apostle does not dwell on the detailed application of His Melchisedec priesthood, as to the object and character of its exercise. Can there be a doubt that Christianity is meant? He is talking about a heart that is void of hypocrisy and deceit. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is witness to us: for after he had said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their hearts, and their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more ( Hebrews 10:15-17 ). Vindictive justice is a glorious, though terrible attribute of God; it belongs to him, and he will use and execute it upon the heads of such sinners as despise his grace; he will avenge himself, and his Son, and Spirit, and covenant, upon apostates. Here are Christians who were tempted to give up. As, 1. Where is the mountain that could stand out so well against Sinai? [ k] "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp." The reference is therefore plain and sure. The wise men of the present day are fast giving up the truth of creation. It is not so much the power but the love of God which must conquer in the end. And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works ( Hebrews 10:24 ): And so that's as we're together exhorting each other for a greater love and good works. As to the outer man also, we must learn to what we are called now. So before fellowship can be experienced, sin has to be put away.In the first covenant there were two of the offerings that dealt with sin. And a thousand of them, a thousand streetwalkers in the city every night. 2. There was but one such Priest. The Hebrews were Jews in Palestine who had got converted upon the preaching of the apostles. At the beginning of this passage he says: "You did not desire sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt-offerings and sin-offerings and you took no pleasure in them," and it is such offerings as these that the law prescribes. It seemed as if everything went against them. [Note: Lane, Hebrews 9-13, p. We enter into the presence of God by means of the veil, that is, by the flesh of Jesus. Verse 38. 37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Yet who beforehand would have anticipated either? The unrent veil bore evidence on its front that man could not yet draw near into the holiest that he had no access into the presence of God. They would not even recognize them on the street as existing. Hence, therefore, he now introduces us "to the spirits of just men made perfect." "Be mindful of those in bonds, as bound with them; and of those which suffer adversity." He has set His mind upon making us, patterns of His holiness. Thus you see, either corrupt passion on the one hand or profanity on the other, are unsparingly condemned by the grace of God. "In the volume of the book it is written of me" a book which none ever saw but God and His Son. There it was in the Psalms. Impossible to rise higher than the Highest, whence therefore the apostle descends, to consequences. The apostle is dealing with the saints as to their walk; and as he had shown how Christ alone had purged the sins of the believer, and how He is on high, as the Priest in the presence of God, to intercede for them in their weakness and dangers; so now, when he is come to the question of the walk of faith, Christ is the leader of that, walk. But then there are impediments as well as sin, by which the enemy would keep us from the race set before us; whilst God carries on His discipline in our favour. D. The Danger of Willful Sinning (The Fourth Warning) 10:19-39. ( Hebrews 10:29 ). The greater the knowledge, the greater the sin. He has so absolutely swept it away for those who believe on Him, that when He comes again, them will be no question of judgment, as far as they are concerned, but only of salvation, in the sense of their being cleared from the last relic or result of sin, even for the body. 39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. Therefore it is well to stand clear of all men's schemes and thoughts, ever rising up more and more presumptuously, because they mainly consist of some slight in one way or another on the word of God. Let him learn his error. Have you come to mock me because of the fate that I have?" As the rending of the Tabernacle veil opened the way to the presence of God, so the rending of the flesh of Christ revealed the full greatness of his love and opened up the way to him. The Romans will do the last sad offices. And is he better or safer that slights the sacrifice of the Son of God, and goes back either to earthly sacrifices or to lusts of flesh, giving a loose rein to sin, which is expressly what the Son of God shed His blood to put away? He may, therefore, try to be a secret disciple; but it has been well said that this is impossible because either "the discipleship kills the secrecy or the secrecy kills the discipleship." During a time of rebellion, she went out and lived in open adultery with the leader of the rebellion. There is nothing more simple; at the same time it is just one of those questions that God has answered, and this so as to settle the mind perfectly, and fill the heart with praise. We should lay aside all sinful distrust. His faithfulness should excite and encourage us to be faithful, and we must depend more upon his promises to us than upon our promises to him, and we must plead with him the promise of grace sufficient. Now two things can be done concerning your sins. This, however, only by the way. (i) We must spur each other to noble living. And, (3.) Hebrews 10:36, NASB: For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. Sincerity is our gospel perfection, though not our justifying righteousness. If they reject him, they can expect only judgment (26-27). For these very features did Judaism despise the gospel. 3. When the rebellion was subdued, the princess was brought to justice and the court decreed that she should die in the tiger's pit. This was the very thing that these Jewish Christians were shrinking, from, if not rebelling against. These, when convicted by two or three witnesses, were put to death; they died without mercy, a temporal death. It is so with the sacrifice of Christ. But now those under the gospel who will not accept of Christ, that they may be saved by him, have no other refuge left them. The favourite thought is "development;" and so they hold a development or genesis of matter, not a creation: matter continually progressing, in various forms, until at last it has progressed into these wise men of our day. Observe, [1.] that after ye have done the will of God: there is the purposing will of God, which is done by himself; and there is his revealed will, touching the salvation of men, which is done by his Son; and there is his will of precept to be done by men; and which, when done aright, is done according to the rule of his word, in faith, from love, through the strength of Christ, and by the assistance of his Spirit and grace, with a view to his glory, and without any dependence on what is done: and the will of God regards suffering, as well as doing; for to that the saints are also called, to which patience is necessary: ye might receive the promise; that is, of eternal life; not the promise itself, which they had received already, but the thing promised; which is the sense, in which this word is often used in this book, Hebrews 6:12 which is so called, to show that it is not of works, for promise and merit do not agree together; but that it is of grace, and will certainly be enjoyed, but must be patiently waited for. But this essential difference separates between the city for which Abraham looked and the bride so symbolised in the Apocalypse. Instead of pining after that which is about to be destroyed, or repining at the call to go out to the place of Christ's shame on earth, Christianity, which replaces Judaism now, may well cause us to offer "the sacrifice of praise to God continually."

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