I tried using the code above, referencing the cmdb_ci table. this is the code i am using.. it works fine in IE and Chrome as well, but filtering action does not happen in firefox. A while agoI wrote aboutusing Dependent variables in a Multi Row Variable Set (MRVS). You could then set a sys_idIN filter on your list collector. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Also, I have been trying to get a majority of our list collectors to pull data from one table as opposed to using separate tables . sandy. screen READ TABLE i_t_var_range INTO wa_var_range WITH KEY vnam = 'WPIFYEAR'. window[collectorName + g_filter].reset(); //var el = $('container_' + g_form.getControl(collectorName).id).select('div.row')[0].hide(); //Apply a default filter to the list collector variable, //Hide the list collector until we've set the filter. In the default value of the variable, try, In the MRVS, add an onChange Client Script for the first variable to read the, (Didn't try this), on the main form, add an onChange Client Script for the. When the Category changes, the Sub Categories are populated as they should. Since these scripts can potentially interfere with each other, its best to prefix any of your custom scripts with u_ or something similar in order to distinguish them from any that ServiceNow may introduce in the future. Cookie Notice Here's how you can toggle the display of the help text for variables in your service catalog. made this a little bit more versatile. You should be able to hide the information below the list collector in a client script like this, If that doesnt work, then you can customize the fields below a slushbucket for that table like this Yes, there is a checkbox that enables client callable.. Is there a way to use the same script include for client side and server side calls? On the MRVS set the default value based on that preference. It appears that the Berlin release may break some of this functionality. This uses user preferences to solve this issue. We'll be using the MRVS and the Date variable. I have done this in the past and always need reference material.You may be reading this and wondering what the use case for this guide is. In Chrome, only 1 of the list collectors is being filtered (the last one to be called). Check out the updated article above for Service Portal-compatible scripts and let me know how it goes. Ive tested this script to a Catalog item and impersonates a users without any role, I created a new record using the catalog item with a list collector run the script using a client script and it works as I expected. eval(ctrl + acRequest(null)); Mark, If you are working on an older build, then you might try omitting configuration_items everywhere in the script and see if that works for you. configuration_itemsg_filter.setQuery(answer); there is no space needed here ? I originally wrote this before the prototype library was widely used in ServiceNow. Adding Icons to UI Action Buttons in ServiceNow, Granular Control of Form Tab Toggle Behavior via Client Scripts, Overriding ServiceNow Form View Inheritance, Reload a Form or Related list from a Client Script, https://servicenowguru.wpengine.com/system-ui/customizi, http://www.prototypejs.org/api/document/observe, https://servicenowguru.wpengine.com/system-ui/customizing-slushbucket/, https://community.servicenow.com/community/develop/blog/2016/09/02/filter-list-collector-with-list-collector, Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK), Thanks! I wanted to help, so I talked through the options available that I have not tested. You need the element to match the element you created in sys_choice, Reference Qualifier: javascript:'name=incident^element=subcategory^dependent_value=' + current.variables.category. Would you be able to share your client script with me? Ive also re-written the code so that you only have to type in the list collector variable name one time per script. Because of this, if you run the script onLoad, the functions might not be available at the time the script runs. This script should eliminate the errors youre seeing (and solve several other issues I noticed). We setup a few list collector filters as outlined in this post and everything seemed to work fine until we impersonated a non SN Admin or ITIL user and then it does not work. Now i want to reset a filter in this way..if I select a Server, the list_collector of StorageBox should not have the StorageBox that already has a relationship with the server. ServiceNowVariable2Version: Rome VariableCatalog Item . Ive got 2 list collectors on one form. Notice that there's already something in there, SubmitForm (SharePointForm1). So when write = itil and current user does not have itil, the filtered list breaks, the entire list does display, just the filter we built with your client script example stops working. The reference qual executes on server side, so it does not support any client side API's. This is setup quite easily using field dependencies. Unfortunately not good news from SN. Lets create a new one. I found one. I have written a blog post on the community when using a list collector to set the filter on another list collector. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. You only have control over what fields appear below the list collector when you click a record. A is of type string. Give it a try and let me know how it goes! However we are currently upgrading from Fuji to Helsinki. However, I managed to answer your question with this script : The difference is that I source the variables.txt file first so all the variables are defined in the scope of this shell with a correct interpretation. I have written a catalog onChange script to filter the list collector. The whole bit about how you can not access the variables outside of the MRVS. Hey April. technical specialist salary lucid motors Our Recruiting team is 100% certified by the AIRS Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? These types of questions are probably better suited to the ServiceNow community site. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. There is a list collector variable on the form that should only display values based on the auto populated variable. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? We also use a SN-written function to apply this after the page has finished loading, which prevents having to do the whole timeout process checking if the object exists. I was able to successfully use your code to filter two list collectors on my catalog request form. Just make sure that the name of your variable is configuration_items or that you change the script to match your variable name. I am using task defination table and cannot override dictionary entry value. Im not sure. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Using a Script Include means that the script only gets loaded and used when you actually need to use it! http://community.service-now.com/blog/slightlyloo. In catalog item Server-StorageBox I guess there should be some additional options or parameters to pass to make it (export ?) Event.observe(document, dom:loaded, function() {. See this post for details. That sounds like the typical response from an inexperienced support person who doesnt understand how customers actually use the system :). However, if in a script the element name is a variable, then gr.setValue (elementName, value) can be used. Mark. I wanted to display other field instead of Name. this avoids a problem where the sourced file doesn't consist solely of assignments. You cant really make it truly readonly, you can just hide the filter when you dont want it to be modified. do you now the what the meaning of the parameter of the XXX_acRequest(null) function is? Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. 2. Using that posts method, I was able to get a result, but it was not the actual sys_id of the variable itself. It allows the user to select multiple items from a list of items and optionally filter those items to help in their selection. Can you please help me as I cannot make dictionary changes. In my testing it seems to work fine on a Helsinki instance for me. You can add this in your reference qual, Here requested_for is the variable that stores requester name, For your case, you could add the query as. Some variable types accept variable attributes. In JavaScript, dynamic variable names can be achieved by using 2 methods/ways given below. Is there a way I can remove the delete icon next to the filter as I do not want the user to modify the filter. //var collectorName = df_uat_tcycle_servers; I worked a bit on glide_list on form ( not getting value from catalog). We'll be using the MRVS and theDatevariable. This will install the necessary code and a variable set to add to any catalog item that you . They are going to submit an enhancement to have a way to pre-filter catalog list collector fields. Actually this would work whether a user has role or not. Setting environment variables with .bash_profile: only last export works properly, bash script to read first argument as input and look for variable in another file line by line, Take input from a file and store them in variable, Define variable using read from stdin of heredoc, Storing for loop value in specific variable, Invoke a program in a Bash script with command line parameters stored in a variable, Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. ERROR at line 9: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? //Apply a default filter to the list collector variable Categories. var myVar = g_form. Good question. Weve found that the .style.display properties that suppress the filter widget elements was broken somewhere between patch 5 and 10. But Anyone have tried to hide this filter on Fuji ? The article above has been updated to reflect these changes. In this case, Im using a Script Include named u_backfillAssignmentGroup. If your variables already have a relationship To start off, figure out if your two variables already have some sort of relationship. Standard javascript has a focus() method you can use. Do any one has idea where I am doing wrong. P.S : thanks a lot to Service-now Guru. Unfortunately I think youre stuck with what you see in that filter. Whether you're a new admin or a seasoned consultant, you're guaranteed to find quality solutions that will aid you in your ServiceNow journey! watch_listg_filter.setQueryAsync(active=true); Im guessing thats where the problem lies. Could you please help me to get the actual display value. The load order was changed in Berlin which is why the Event.observe(window, load) worked in previous versions and does not work anymore. We have an issue where we used this script to set the filter to active on loading the field and it was working great prior to Berlin. For example: you . Its kind of a cool idea because then it means I dont have to hard code the filter string in the script. Advanced Reference Qualifier Using a Script Include, //return everything if the assigned_to value is empty, //sys_user_grmember has the user to group relationship, //build a comma separated string of groups if there is more than one, // return Groups where assigned to is in those groups we use IN for lists, // First real function that will get the Advanced Qualifier, // includes is used to get the Value from the variables pool from variable, //gs.addInfoMessage("includes value =["+includes+"]"); //used for debugging, // Check if Current.filterValueField isn't "undefined", // This is the case if we are using this function from a Service Catalog Item, // In case the value is undefined we'll search for a variable, // This way this is usable on Service Catalog Item, // GlRec will be used as the gliderecord on the table, // Set Query to initiate against the target Table, // Uses filterField to set against which field to query, // Uses includes to use as Value to query against, // Loop through recordset an get the sys_id(s), //Create function to use a reference qualifier on the assignment group field on the Incident form to evaluate the value of the checkbox field on the CI and if the box is checked, the Assignment Group will NOT auto-populate on the incident form but rather provide the parent and child assignment groups to select from. Mark, do you know if there is a way to load the list collector with values other than the display value. Sign-up to get the latest news and update information from ServiceNow Guru! Just make sure you set the UI type field on the client script form to Both. Go to Service Catalog -> Maintain Items and click on 'New'. We want to test that our qualifier works. After we made some base categories lets make some matching subcategories. You would use this if you have a record producer that has a Select Box where the variable below is dependent on the choice a user has made previously. When setting a value, ensure the data type of the field matches the . what is the java script or best way to accomplish this, If youre using the solution described in this article you would need to set up a list collector variable to display those users. Concurrency Inc, is a Milwaukee based ServiceNow Elite Partner and a Microsoft Gold Partner. COMPUTE newvar=0. Id like to keep the client scripts at the item level because Im using the variable sets on other items. The value is from the user profile. var filter = window[listCollector + g_filter]; You would use this if you have a record producer that has a Select Box where the variable below is dependent on the choice a user has made previously. The intention of this is to make the experience a little bit better for end users of the system but it also means that you, as an administrator, have to learn a few new tricks to deal with those differences. Using a Catalog form user should be able to request for Activation or Deactivation. These methods are used to make custom changes to the form view of records. Selecting Run Filter does not work. //If it hasn't rendered yet, wait 100ms and try again. It is recommended that new . Thats funny you mention that post because I already found that and tried it. This was just what I was looking for, thanks for sharing. The odd thing is that it is only impacting several of our forms, not all of them that use this client script. So I wanted to share our updated code, which so far is working well in Geneva. Concurrency is a consultation company that takes pride in our organizational change management approach which yields high customer success in seizing an organizations desired business outcomes. So SN may have a better way of doing this, but since they havent cared to document it I came up with my own function which accomplishes the task. The sys_id worked like a dream. Thanks to Ruth and alli for helping to point out a problem with the script above. Many thanks, Merry Christmas I am filtering on group type. Is it possible to put an condition in the attribute field? (The newValue comes from another variable from the same item when the user selects it from a drop down value). ` I had to change the last lines: window[collectorName + g_filter].reset(); Is there a way to filter collector variables post-submission, say , on the RITM or the catalog task? So how to solve this problem? remember the set variable value in a for loop. servicenow set variable based on another variable. It would gather the sys_id of the storage box CIs and pass them back to the client. Click a Data Pill Picker button to select a variable. I am trying to use list_collector variable ( Service Catalog). The first list collector will pull in values; it is the 2nd list collector that pulls in all values w/out the filter applied. Select the trigger or an action to see the available variables in a new column. you can use it on Service Catalog variables as well. Any ideas on how to still hide the filter? How can I fix this problem? Software this solution does not work on firefox. if the assign_to field is not empty then tree_picker=false. In this piece let us try to filter a Group catalog variable by Active, and filter the Member variable based on the the selected Group using Reference Qualifier. Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training, GlideDialogWindow: Advanced Popups Using UI Pages, Swapping Hardware Assets in ServiceNow with HAM Pro. This should work for any instance on newer code. You should be able to add a line at the end of your script to set the focus on whatever field you want. nameOfCollectorg_filter.reset(); You will need a variable of Category and a variable of Subcategory. just tested it on demo, (dev laptop item). Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. If the string represents an expression, eval () evaluates the expression. between configuration_items and g_filter.setQuery(answer); No space is necessary. I didnt try getDisplayValue. Note that this script is . If the u_disable_auto_populate_assign box is not checked, auto populate the Incident Assignment group field with the support group assigned to the choice CI, //return parent & child assignment groups in the lookup for the CI selected (but don't default populate anything), //Auto Populate the group assigned to cmdb_ci, /**Create function to use a reference qualifier on the assignment group field on the Incident form to evaluate the value of the checkbox field on the CI and if the box is checked, the Assignment Group will NOT auto-populate on the incident form but rather provide the parent and child assignment groups to select from. setTimeout(function(){ In Demo they are running Calgary and we are on Berlin. Thanks in advance, Correction to above: I kind of think this code was working even in Helsinki, but before we ran some updates. Hi Mark, You must create a dictionary entry override for the incident table. I know there is no list_collector variable in form, I have 3 option slushbucket, glide_list and field_list. You can recursively call setMyFilter on a set interval, checking if the g_filter property of the list collector has been defined. After that I have another variable (read-only) that, based on the . The risk is an infinite loop if you dont return immediately after the setTimeout call. I copies your text, even named my variable configuration_items. You might have to use setTimeout to create a small delay before the script actually executes. i have modified myKeyUp() to myKeyUp(e) and it worked. addLateLoadEvent(function() { In this situation we are using a Record Producer in a Service Catalog that creates Incident data. and our Mark, you are once again awesomeI had to modify your script slightly to allow me to set the filter on multiple list collectors in the same variable set (4 of them in this instance), and I came up with this Catalog Client Script: This is great help, this is working perfectly for me thanks a for sharing such codes . eval(ctrl + g_filter.query = + filter + ;); function onLoad () {. WHEN 'WPIYWEEK'. April 16, 2018. Ive updated the code above to include this check. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? Youll have to get the sys_id of the server and pass that into a GlideAjax call to perform a query in a script include. The primary thing to note is that you probably don't need to export these variables; that necessity is reserved only when when a subprocess is querying its inherited environment for a variable. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? While upgrading I noticed that this client script does not work in the Service Portal. I use this script for fix a filter on list collector and hide this filter. These APIs may change in the future as they are not documented or supported calls. LC filters by Hardware Items. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Thank you! Ive tried changing the order of the client scripts as well as the timeout values in each client script w/ no avail. window[collectorName + acRequest](null); To: The best practice guidance for advanced reference qualifiers should be to use a Script Include rather than a global Business Rule to run the qualifier script. rev2023.3.1.43269. This also works for Service Portal! Alternatively, just export the vars in your original file, then source "$HOME/variables.txt" and the work is already done. Well, you've come to the right place. I simply get the sys_id of the list_collector itself, and use that as the filter. var filterString = u_tomcat_group=799d6e58206705486fc1cca07d6f3232; //Find the filter elements Really it's pretty simple once you boil it down. var form = typeof g_sc_form != undefined ? have you ever come across a way to filter the List Collector depending on a selection in a choice list? The function itself is working asynchronously?? },1000); Thanks Matthew, this helped a lot. variable name to apply ref qual filter: retail_equipment. They said it wasnt a supported method in a client script. It should work. and the choice was Software, April 25, 2022. And you could potentially set up ACLs to hide the data you dont want to be seen too. February 27, 2023 . is not called correctly. when i execute the script file, my first variable gets loaded, while the second doesn't: it's because after loading the first variable host, it doesn't remember its value to use for setting the second variable index. You would need to use a completely separate field to do that. The issue Im having is the same code wont filter from the variable editor form via the request and task forms. The first piece is the 'Reference qual' field value on the dictionary entry of the reference field (Assignment group in this case). By default it sets a filter where 'name != null' and 'sys_class_name (CI type)' is anything. 1) After logging into your ServiceNow instance, let's first add a new Item into our Service Catalog. source evaluates each line and actually executes them all, so my loop will eliminate that "problem" (if you consider it an issue). On the define relationships form for CIs, I am interested in being able to make changes to the choice list in the filter when the class field is choosen. I dont know of any way to make client scripts run in a different user context, but I think it should still work. It didnt like running synchronous calls at the same time so we wrapped the window[] lines in a setTimeout function in one of the client scripts like this: setTimeout(function(){ Here is a nice blog on the same topic: link. https://community.servicenow.com/thread/177647. I have tried the same code in on change function on a variable. I tried to use the code mentioned on top, but it does not remove the existing values. Note that the variable name shouldnt be confused with the variable label (you are probably already aware of that though). + current.variables.category the filter assignment or function call and instead saw an expression text, named. That pulls in all values w/out the filter elements really it 's pretty once! Given below Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training, GlideDialogWindow: Advanced Popups using UI Pages, Swapping Assets. This situation we are on Berlin functionality of our forms, not all of them that use this script fix... Might have to get a result, but I think youre stuck with what you see that... //If it has n't rendered yet, wait 100ms and try again between configuration_items and g_filter.setQuery ( ). Appear below the list collector to set the focus on whatever field you.... Am using task defination table and can not be performed by the AIRS certified Diversity and Recruiter! 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